Cutting and Trimming Pine Trees: A Basic Guide

One of the most beautiful evergreens, the pine tree is a treasured part of any garden. The majestic pine is popular for its immense height and beauty and brings a shady canopy and the fresh scent of pine needles to your outdoor space.

But did you know that your pine needs a bit of love and attention to keep both you and your tree safe?

Keep reading for our basic guide on trimming pine trees.

Why Should I Trim My Pine Tree? 

Although pine trees don’t need much attention, you should still take care of your pine with an occasional trim. Pruning your tree of the dead, damaged, or diseased branches will ensure that it grows dense, lush foliage throughout its lifespan. You’ll also avoid any potential accidents caused by falling tree debris!

Pine trees are also known to grow to great heights and sometimes get a bit too big for the area they’re growing. So you’ll also need to prune to keep your pine tree’s form looking neat and tidy and avoid your tree obstructing the growth of other foliage.

When Should I Trim My Pine Tree? 

It’s best to trim your tree in the late winter to early spring. However, if your tree is damaged or diseased and there’s a risk of falling branches, you’ll need to start trimming as soon as possible. If you can, avoid trimming in late summer or fall.

It’s also best practice to prune a pine tree when it’s just been planted. If you start pruning when your tree is young, it will need less maintenance later.

A Basic Guide to Trimming Pine Trees

Experts best trim larger pines, but if you have a young pine that needs attention, trimming it yourself is easy. You’ll just need some gardening equipment and to follow a few basic steps.

Preparing to Prune

If you’re trimming a small pine tree, make sure you have everything you need on hand. The best tool for the job is a small, sharp hand saw. Gardening shears should do the trick for thinner branches. If possible, prune with gardening gloves to avoid any pokes and scratches.

Larger trees will require a chainsaw, but this depends on the thickness of their branches. It’s important that you don’t handle any heavy machinery if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. Always read the operating instructions before use, and make sure you know exactly what you’re doing to avoid injury.

Let’s Get Trimming!

To get your young pine to grow in a healthy, traditional cone shape, trim back its branches by about one-third. The branches should be kept about 6 inches shorter than the center trunk.

The top part of your pine tree is called the crown. When your tree is young, you should cut away about a third of the crown every year. This makes for thicker growth and greener foliage.

Keeping a Healthy Pine

Remove any dead branches. These will be easy to spot as they’ll no longer have any green foliage. Make sure you cut away any diseased branches about 6 inches from the diseased part of the branch.

When Should I Call an Expert?

If you don’t have much experience, or you have a larger tree that needs attention, it’s recommended that you call in the experts. A professional service will have the right equipment and experience in trimming pine trees. Plus, you can trust that your tree is in safe and experienced hands.

To enquire about pruning or other garden services, get in touch today!