Winter Tree Care in Dallas: How to Prepare and Maintain Your Trees for the Season

As winter descends upon Dallas, the vibrant foliage that once adorned your trees may fade away, but this doesn’t mean they do not need any care. Winter is a period of dormancy for many trees, but proper care during this time sets the stage for vigorous spring growth.

In this guide, we’ll explore the essential steps a Dallas tree service recommends to prepare and maintain your trees for the winter season. We look at why seasonal tree care is necessary and give tips to help you stay on top of all your winter tree care tasks.

Understanding the Importance of Winter Tree Care

Winter tree care helps maintain trees’ health and vitality during the colder months. Here are the specific reasons why winter tree care is particularly important in Dallas:

Dallas experiences variable winter temperatures, ranging from mild to occasionally freezing. These fluctuations impact the health of trees, especially if they are not adequately prepared.

Winter care helps trees withstand these harsh conditions and minimizes stress-related damage.

Dallas is known for its periodic drought conditions, even in the winter. Soil protection is an ongoing, year-round process. Dallas occasionally experiences ice storms during the winter months. Ice accumulation on tree branches can lead to breakage and damage.

Winter storms can impact the structural integrity of trees. Pruning during the winter protects the trees and prevents damage to buildings, vehicles, and power lines.

Dallas Tree Service Recommendations for Winter Tree Care

You want your trees to not only survive the winter but thrive when spring returns. A little care now will go a long way in preserving the beauty and health of your trees throughout the seasons. Consider the following:

Winter is a good time for pruning, as most trees are in a state of dormancy. Strategic pruning to remove dead or damaged branches will keep the tree and surrounding areas safe.

While pests may be less active in winter, certain insects and diseases thrive in cold weather. Apply protective treatments to safeguard your trees from winter pests. This ensures that they are healthy and pest-free in the spring.

Mulch helps regulate soil temperature and moisture levels. This practice is essential in Dallas, where winter temperature fluctuations can be unpredictable. Mulching also provides a protective barrier against frost, reducing the risk of root damage.

Watering is important even during winter. Adequate watering before the onset of freezing temperatures ensures trees enter the winter season well-hydrated.

If you are unsure about the state of your trees and how to incorporate winter care, contact a tree service in Dallas. They will evaluate your trees’ health and render service for tree removal and the pruning of trees. Tree removal in Dallas is something best left to the professionals.

Preserving Dallas Greenery: A Winter Tree Care Conclusion

As winter settles in Dallas, investing time and effort into tree care is a wise decision. Following the recommendations of a trusted Dallas tree service ensures that your trees not only survive the winter but thrive when spring returns.

GreenPine Tree Service offers professional removal and tree trimming in Dallas. You can count on us for the best service and care for your trees. Contact us today for a free quote or a chat about your needs.

Top Signs It’s Time for Tree Limb Removal: What to Look For

The beautiful state of Texas is home to between 255 and 281 species of native trees. While many of these trees are lush with large branches full of leaves, some struggle. If your tree isn’t growing as it should, you may need to remove some branches.

Look out for these signs that your tree needs tree limb removal.

Time of Year

Trees benefit from routine tree maintenance called pruning. Young trees especially benefit because pruning encourages healthier and bigger growth come the growing season. In the long run, the branches are stronger, helping the tree ward off pests and disease.

The ideal seasonal pruning time is different depending on the tree type. For some, it takes place around fall. For others, it takes place at the end of winter.

Generally, you want to prune the tree during its dormant time. That way, you have already pruned when the tree cycles back to its growing season.

Dead Branches

Dead branches no longer grow. They eventually grow weak and can easily fall from the tree. This is dangerous.

Trimming off the dead branches removes the risk and helps the tree thrive by redirecting nutrients to healthy branches. It also protects the tree, as dead branches are attractive places to make a home for pests.

Sick Branches

A sick tree typically has a slow death. It may seem fast because we do not notice the signs early on. One of the best places to look for disease is on the branches.

It could be leaves changing color or dropping at the wrong time. Or it could be unusual growth that doesn’t match the rest of the tree’s branch growth pattern.

Trimming the tree can help the tree regain its health. First, removing the sick branches takes away the source of the disease. It helps prevent the disease from spreading to other branches.

Second, removing the branches opens the canopy, increasing light and airflow throughout the tree. It also reduces the occurrence of the tree branches rubbing on each other. So you eliminate the tree branches having open sores where disease could enter.

Damaged Branches

If some of the tree’s branches are damaged, they expose the tree to pests, disease, and rotting. The outer bark acts like a barrier, so damage compromises it. Proper pruning at the branch collar makes it easier for the tree to heal.

Exposed Roots

Walk around the tree’s base and check the ground for exposed roots. If the tree is healthy, you won’t find any. Trees that have exposed roots need pruning of their branches.

Look at the tree’s opposite side from where you find the exposed roots. This is the heavy side of the tree. The weight of the branches pulls on the tree, causing the tree to lean and the roots to rise.

You can address this issue by trimming the branches and reducing the weight.

Cracks in the Trunk

Large cracks developing in the tree’s trunk are a sign of stress and instability. If neglected, they can cause the tree to fall. You can save the tree with the help of a tree professional.

They may need to reduce the weight on the trunk by trimming the branches. This also reduces the demand on the tree. That way, the tree can dedicate more time to healing itself.

Hollow Trunk

A healthy tree typically has a solid trunk providing support and nutrients for branches. If the tree’s trunk is hollow, it doesn’t have the strength to support the branches. You risk the weight of the branches pulling the tree down.

Do not assume that the hollow tree has to come down. Have a tree expert evaluate the tree to determine its viability.

Bug Damage

Pests find trees an enticing place to make their home. Unfortunately, the pests can eventually kill the tree. How you eliminate the infestation will depend on the type of pest.

Some can get treated with an insecticide. With other pests, gathering and destroying the infected branches is your only option.

Branch trimming can also prevent your trees from getting pest infestations. Remove the branches that are dead, damaged, or near mulch and grass.

Fungal Disease

The oak trees in Texas currently face a devastating fungus that is making its way across the state. Sadly, the majority of oak trees with the fungus die from it. Those trees that do survive must get treated every few years and will never get rid of it.

However, not all fungal issues are this dire. If you notice that your tree has a fungus on its branches, one option is to remove the branches. In addition to other treatment methods, this can rid the tree of the damaging fungus.

Before you start cutting branches, consult with a professional tree service. They can identify the fungus and guide you on the best approach for treating your tree.

Excessive Canopy Density

A healthy tree will have a lush canopy of branches full of leaves. However, this can work against the tree when the branches grow too aggressively. Tree trimming can thin out the upper canopy.

When more light can get through the upper canopy, it helps the tree develop a fuller branch structure. It becomes less top-heavy and better balanced.

Structure or Wiring Interference

Sometimes, the original placement of a tree was not the best. When small, the tree didn’t interfere with anything. However, once the tree grew, its branches began to impede the nearby structures and wires.

You need to trim the branches so that they do not cause damage to buildings or wires. A professional tree service can trim the branches to help the tree grow in its confined space.

Consider Tree Limb Removal

If your tree exhibits any of these signs, you need to consider tree limb removal. By removing the problematic branches, you help your tree allocate its resources better.

At the Greenpine Tree Service, we work with tree owners to help them fix their trees. Our services include pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, cable installation, and bracing.

Protect your tree and help it thrive by requesting a free estimate for tree trimming from Greenpine Tree Service.

The Critical Signs You Have a Sick Tree, and How to Treat It

Trees provide various benefits to the environment and our well-being. However, like any living organism, they can fall victim to diseases and stress. Recognizing the early signs of a sick tree is crucial to preventing potential risks to your property.

Consulting with a professional arborist is important for a correct diagnosis and tailored treatment plans. By staying vigilant and taking proactive steps, you can protect your trees and preserve the beauty of your landscape while avoiding potential risks.

In this article, we look at the critical signs that indicate your tree is unwell and offer insights into effective treatments to restore its health.

Spotting the Signs

One of the first indicators of a sick tree is changes in its foliage. Keep an eye out for:

  • Discoloration
  • Wilting
  • Premature leaf drop

These signs can indicate nutrient deficiencies, pests, or diseases affecting the tree’s health.

Dead or decaying branches are unsightly, pose a risk to the tree, and can cause property damage. Inspect your tree regularly for branches with no leaves, brittle twigs, or a lack of flexibility, as these are signs of possible trouble.

Pay attention to the overall structure and growth pattern of your tree. If you notice unusual swelling, cankers, or growths on the trunk, it could indicate a disease affecting the tree internally.

The bark serves as a protective layer for the tree. If you see any peeling or loose bark, it may be a sign of pest infestation or disease. Additionally, cracks or fissures in the bark can provide entry points for pathogens.

Insects and pests can wreak havoc on trees. They weaken them and make them susceptible to diseases. Look for signs of pest infestation, such as unusual holes in the trunk, sawdust-like material at the base, or an abundance of insects.

Treatment Strategies for a Sick Tree

Remove any diseased or dead branches through proper pruning. Tree trimming in Dallas not only enhances the tree’s appearance but also promotes healthier growth. Regular trimming also improves air circulation, reducing the risk of fungal infections.

Your tree must be planted in well-draining soil. Compacted or waterlogged soil can lead to root rot and other diseases. Mulching around the tree’s base helps retain moisture and regulates soil temperature.

If you suspect a tree disease, consult a professional arborist to identify the issue sooner rather than later. Treatment may involve the application of fungicides or other disease-specific remedies to curb the spread of infections. Discuss if you need to keep pets and children away from certain areas during this process.

Implement pest control measures, such as insecticidal treatments or introducing natural predators, to manage pest infestations. Regular inspections help catch potential problems before they escalate and require tree removal in Dallas.

A Proactive Approach to Tree Care

Spotting the early signs of a sick tree is crucial for effective intervention. Regular inspections, coupled with prompt and appropriate action, can safeguard the health and longevity of your trees.

Contact GreenPine Tree Service in Dallas, Texas today for an appointment. We have an experienced team of arborists who will assist you with all your tree maintenance needs.

Types of Tree Removal: How to Remove a Tree From Your Garden

A dead, sick, or dying tree can harm your home and property. Whether you’re dealing with a tree that has succumbed to disease or one that has outgrown its space, knowing how to remove a tree safely and efficiently is crucial.

In this article, we explore different types of tree removal methods and provide insights into the steps you can take to safeguard your property.

Understanding the Risks

A deteriorating tree can become a hazard. It can potentially cause severe damage to your home, vehicles, or other structures. As branches weaken and the tree becomes unstable, the risk of falling limbs increases, especially during storms or high winds.

If your tree is suffering from a contagious disease, removing it promptly is essential to prevent the infection from spreading to other trees. A proactive approach to tree removal can help contain the threat and protect the overall health of your garden.

Types of Tree Removal

The type of tree removal methods are chosen based on the tree’s size, location, health, and the surrounding environment. Here are some common types of tree removal:


Tree felling is the traditional method of tree removal and involves cutting the tree at its base. This method is suitable for open spaces with sufficient room for the tree to fall without causing damage.

A professional Dallas tree service often uses directional felling techniques to control the tree’s descent.

Stump Grinding

After felling, the tree stump remains, posing a potential hazard and impeding future landscaping efforts. Stump grinding is a method that involves mechanically grinding the stump into wood chips.

This not only removes the visual obstruction but also accelerates the decomposition process.

Tree Climbing

In situations where space is limited, or the tree is located near structures, tree climbing techniques may be employed. Arborists use specialized equipment and climbing gear to ascend the tree and systematically dismantle it in sections.

This method allows for precise control over the tree removal process.

Chemical Tree Removal

Chemical tree removal involves the use of herbicides to kill the tree. This method is less common and is typically used for smaller trees. It requires patience as the tree takes time to die and decay.

Steps on How to Remove a Tree Safely

Before starting tree removal, assess the tree’s health, size, and location. Identify potential hazards, like nearby power lines or structures, and plan accordingly. Consider hiring a professional service that specializes in tree removal in Dallas if the tree is huge or poses a high risk.

Wear appropriate safety gear, including:

  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Eye protection
  • Sturdy footwear

Familiarize yourself with the equipment and follow all safety guidelines provided by the manufacturers. When in doubt, rather find a tree service in Dallas that can help you with tree removal and trimming.

The Importance of Expert Tree Felling

Knowing how to remove a tree is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe environment in your garden. Whatever method you use, prioritizing safety and understanding your tree’s needs is crucial.

If in doubt, seeking the expertise of a professional arborist ensures that tree removal is conducted safely. At GreenPine Tree Service in Dallas, Texas, we provide expert assistance and service to our clients. For peace of mind, contact us today.

Timely Tree Trimmer Service: Why You Need to Remove Dead Branches Quickly

Maintaining the health and aesthetics of your trees is crucial for the overall well-being of your property. 94% of Americans believe that trees are good for the planet and millions of us have trees planted on our properties.

One often overlooked aspect of tree care is the timely removal of dead branches. This seemingly mundane task can have a significant impact on the vitality and safety of your trees.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into why you should consider a timely tree trimmer service and the benefits it brings to your outdoor space. This includes hazard prevention, disease prevention, improved aesthetics, and more.

If your property contains trees with dead branches, continue reading for practical advice!

Improved Aesthetics

A well-maintained tree adds beauty and value to your property. Dead branches, however, can detract from this visual appeal. They create a sense of neglect and can make even the most well-kept yard look untidy.

Timely tree trimmer service ensures that your trees remain not only healthy but also visually pleasing, enhancing the curb appeal of your home.

Disease Prevention

Dead branches can be a breeding ground for pests and diseases that can quickly spread to healthy parts of the tree. An unchecked infection can lead to the decline of the entire tree, affecting the aesthetic appeal of your landscape.

Regular tree trimming removes these potential hotspots for disease, promoting the overall health of your greenery.

Hazard Prevention

Dead branches pose a serious threat to both property and people. As these branches decay, they become brittle and are more likely to break off during storms or heavy winds.

The last thing you want is a dead limb crashing onto your roof, car, or, even worse, injuring someone on your property. By investing in a timely tree trimmer service, you mitigate these risks and create a safer environment for everyone.

Longevity of Trees

Regular tree maintenance, including the removal of dead branches, contributes to the longevity of your trees. By addressing potential issues early on, you prevent them from escalating into more severe problems that could result in the premature death of the tree.

Investing in the health of your trees now can save you from costly removal and replacement expenses down the line.

Environmental Impact

We highlighted in the introduction how many Americans believe (rightly) that trees are beneficial for the environment. It’s a fact that trees play a crucial role in our environment by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. A healthy tree is more efficient at this process.

By promptly removing dead branches, you contribute to the overall well-being of the environment and help maintain the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

Reap the Benefits of a Tree Trimmer Service

The bottom line is that the importance of timely tree trimmer service cannot be overstated. Beyond the immediate benefits of hazard prevention and improved aesthetics, regular tree maintenance fosters a healthier, safer, and more vibrant outdoor space.

So, don’t wait until a storm sends a dead limb crashing down; invest in the well-being of your trees today for a greener and more sustainable tomorrow. Here in the DFW area, your premier choice for tree pruning is Greenpine Tree Service.

Contact us today to learn more.

Top Signs You Need a Professional Tree Inspection in Dallas, TX

Dallas, Texas, is home to many trees which contributes to the city’s diverse and vibrant urban forest. The city’s climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters, is conducive to growing a wide range of tree species.

However, as a responsible property owner, it’s crucial to be vigilant about the health of your trees. If you’ve ever questioned whether a tree in your yard needs attention, this article will give you the necessary information. A tree inspection can save you money and keep your trees healthy.

Visible Signs of Decay

Visible decay is one of the most apparent indicators that a tree needs professional attention. Obvious signs of decay should be closely monitored. Keep an eye out for the following:

  • Discolored or wilting leaves
  • Fungal growth on the trunk
  • Large sections of bark peeling away

Decay can weaken the tree’s structural integrity, making it a potential hazard.

Leaning Trees

While slight leans are natural for specific trees, a sudden or pronounced tilt can indicate underlying problems with the root system or structural stability.

A tree risk assessment by a professional might be necessary to accurately assess the degree of the lean and determine the required corrective measures.

Cracks in the Trunk

Inspect the trunk of your trees regularly for any visible cracks or splits. Visible cracks or breaks can suggest:

  • Internal decay
  • Diseases
  • Mechanical damage (both natural and human-induced)

Cracks compromise the tree’s ability to support itself, making it susceptible to breakage, especially during severe weather conditions.

Unusual Growth Patterns

Healthy trees show consistent and balanced growth. It may indicate underlying issues if you notice unusual growth patterns, such as:

  • Excessive leaning branches
  • Lopsided canopy
  • Twisted or spiraling branches
  • Excessive suckering
  • Girdling roots
  • Unusual thinning or dieback
  • Burls of other growth

Various factors, including environmental stress, inadequate care, diseases, pests, or genetic predispositions, can cause unusual growth patterns. Identifying and addressing the underlying causes of these patterns is essential for maintaining the overall health and stability of the tree.

Presence of Pests and Diseases

No tree is immune to pests and diseases; if left untreated, it can lead to irreversible damage. Here are some ways in which diseases and pests can affect trees:

It leads to stunted growth as diseases and pests can affect the tree’s ability to photosynthesize and produce energy  Continuous stress from diseases weakens a tree’s immune system, making it more susceptible to additional threats.

Pests cause leaf damage that also reduce the tree’s ability to produce energy through photosynthesis.

Diseases can interfere with the tree’s vascular system, disrupting the delivery of water and nutrients. This leads to nutrient deficiencies that further weaken the tree.

Certain pests and diseases can affect a tree’s root system, affecting its ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

Insects like borers create tunnels in the wood. This weakens the tree’s structure and makes it more susceptible to breakage or uprooting.

Some diseases are highly contagious and can spread to neighboring trees. Trees affected by diseases or pests are more vulnerable to other environmental stresses, such as drought, extreme temperatures, or pollution.

Root Issues

Healthy roots are vital for a tree’s stability and overall well-being. Signs of root issues include visible decay, fungal growth near the base, or the appearance of large roots above the ground.

The root system serves several vital functions, and any disruption or damage to the roots can have far-reaching consequences for the tree.

Trees with damaged root systems can be uprooted, especially in windy or stormy conditions. This poses a risk to property and safety, primarily if the tree is located near structures or high-traffic areas.

Overhanging Branches

Overhanging branches, especially those near structures or power lines, pose a significant risk. They can cause damage during storms or windy conditions.

Inspecting trees for overhanging branches and taking proactive measures is advisable to reduce risk. This may include strategic pruning to remove or trim overhanging branches. Professional tree services are advisable if the scope of work becomes dangerous or you do not have the know-how for the job.

Changes in Soil

Changes in the soil around the base of a tree can indicate possible issues. This includes the appearance of:

  • Mushrooms
  • Soft or sunken soil
  • A noticeable increase in the number of exposed roots

These signs could indicate root decay or other underground problems, which a professional Dallas tree service can diagnose.

Recent Storm or Severe Weather

If your area has recently had a severe storm or adverse weather conditions, it’s advisable to have your trees inspected, even if no visible damage is apparent.

Strong winds and heavy rainfall can weaken trees, making them more susceptible to future problems.

The Importance of a Professional Tree Inspection

A professional tree inspection involves the assessment of a tree’s health, structure, and overall condition by a certified arborist or tree care specialist.

Here are the key aspects of what a professional tree inspection typically entails:

An evaluation of the tree’s overall health by examining factors such as foliage color, leaf size, and the presence of pests or diseases. Signs of stress, decline, or abnormalities will also be investigated.

An assessment of the stability of the tree. This includes evaluation of the trunk, branches, and roots. They can provide professional tree removal services if a tree or branches need to be taken out.

Identification of pests or diseases affecting the tree. This includes checking for insect infestations, fungal infections, or bacterial issues.

An evaluation of environmental stressors like soil compaction, poor drainage, or pollution.

Based on the tree inspection findings, a management plan can be suggested. This plan may include recommendations for:

  • Pruning
  • Fertilization
  • Pest control
  • Disease management
  • Tree damage or other necessary interventions

Preserving Trees for Future Generations

Maintaining the safety and health of the trees on your property is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Regular monitoring and prompt action, when signs of trouble arise, can prevent accidents and property damage and ensure the longevity of your trees.

If you see any of the symptoms mentioned above, don’t hesitate to schedule a professional tree inspection. Contact Green Pine Tree Service in Dallas to make an appointment with our professional team. Our arborist team will ensure your trees are well-kept and healthy.

The Importance of Regular Tree Pruning for Maintaining Your Property

Trees are important and beautiful! Did you know it takes seven to eight adult trees to supply one person’s oxygen needs each year?

Trees also provide shade and many more benefits.

But trees also require work. Tree pruning service is one thing trees need. Pruning keeps trees healthy and safe and encourages growth.

While you can attempt this yourself, hiring it out is better.

Do your trees need some work? Here are six benefits of hiring a professional tree service company to handle the work.

1. It’s the Safe Approach

Tree pruning is one of the most vital services needed for trees. It’s the process of trimming the trees for health and safety purposes. While you can trim them yourself, it’s a risky process.

Dallas tree pruning services specialize in trimming, removing, and maintaining trees. They know what they’re doing. As a result, hiring experts is the safer approach.

Tree service companies have the right equipment to handle the job. They use trucks and lifts to access tall trees. They also wear safety equipment for safety purposes.

They won’t injure themselves or harm anything in your yard. When they trim branches, they’ll ensure they land on the ground.

Additionally, you won’t have to drag out a ladder to access the branches. Doing this can result in injuries. Let an expert handle this job, as it’s the safest approach.

2. They’re Experts

Tree service companies handle the work safely, but that’s not all. They’re also experts with trees.

They begin the job by evaluating your trees and yard. This evaluation serves several purposes:

  • Identify dead branches
  • Look for potential tree problems
  • Mark dead trees

The primary purpose is to create a plan. The plan guides them in their estimate and services.

For example, they’ll suggest removing dead trees and branches. They’ll suggest trimming the branches near power lines.

They may also suggest removing or trimming trees that pose risks of falling on your home.

Hiring a company that offers tree pruning services equals receiving professional work. They’ll offer professional advice, ideas, and options.

Next, they’ll provide a quote for services before beginning the job.

3. Your Trees Will Grow Better

Did you know hiring a tree pruning service in Dallas helps your trees become healthier? It’s true.

Pruning is a process that most trees need. If you have trees, they require pruning, but what does pruning do?

First, pruning involves trimming dead branches. Dead branches weigh down a tree and don’t grow. You won’t see buds, leaves, or anything else on dead branches.

Next, pruning involves trimming overgrown branches. Tree branches do not grow evenly all the time. Instead, some grow faster than others, requiring trimming for the overgrown ones.

Additionally, pruning removes branches that are growing in the wrong places. For example, you might have branches growing near power lines. If these fall, they can knock the power out.

When you prune your trees, it encourages them to grow. As a result, pruned trees are healthier trees. They’ll be less likely to die or fall over.

4. It Protects Your Things

Tree services also help you protect your things. This includes your house, cars, and other items in your yard.

When trees grow improperly or have dead branches, they pose risks. For example, consider a lopsided tree growing near your home. With strong enough winds, they might fall over, landing on your home.

In this case, you would need emergency tree services, which can be costly. However, you can prevent needing emergency services by hiring a company to handle your preventative maintenance.

The tree service company can remove trees or branches that pose risks. The result is a safer home and yard, with a decreased risk of damage occurring.

5. It Includes Cleanup Services

Consider the work required if you decide to handle the tree services yourself. First, you’ll need to gather all the right equipment, including a ladder and chainsaw.

Next, you’ll have to do all the work, which can take hours or days. Once you trim all the branches and trees, you might end up with tree stumps. Getting rid of tree stumps is nearly impossible without the right equipment.

Additionally, you’ll have a yard full of tree branches. What will you do with all the branches?

Professional companies can remove tree stumps, logs, and branches. They’ll load these into their truck and remove them from your property.

Your yard will be clean, and you won’t have to do the work. These companies sell the logs as firewood and turn branches into mulch.

By the time they complete your project and leave, your yard will look better than it did before they arrived.

6. They Can Handle All Your Tree Services

In addition to pruning trees, you might need other tree services. A tree company can handle these for you. Here are some of the services they can provide:

Tree Stump Removal

Tree companies aim to save trees, but this isn’t always possible. If they have to remove one, they’ll also remove the stump.

Leaving stumps is a hazard, as people can trip over them. You can also damage your lawn mower if you accidentally run over one. Therefore, you’ll want someone to remove them.

Tree Disease Treatment

Trees can experience diseases. If you notice signs of tree problems, hire a Dallas tree service company. They can diagnose the disease and treat it accordingly.

Tree Maintenance

Tree companies can also perform other types of maintenance. For example, you can hire them to fertilize your trees when needed. You can also hire them to plant new ones or perform other services your trees need.

Hire a Tree Pruning Service for Healthy Trees

Hiring a company that offers a tree pruning service is beneficial. It helps your trees stay healthy and protects your home and belongings. It also helps your trees grow properly.

Are you ready to hire a company to prune yours?

Our certified arborists can help! We offer consultations to answer your questions and evaluate your needs. Call us today to schedule a consultation with an expert arborist.

A Guide on When to Trim Oak Trees in Texas

Many types of trees, like oak trees, require occasional trimming to prevent a condition known as Oak Wilt. Oak Wilt is a fungal condition that keeps nutrients from reaching the upper branches of trees. If left untreated, Oak Wilt can cause a tree to lose some of its leaves or even kill the tree.

Trimming cuts off excess branches and helps focus growth in a concentrated direction. Many experts say the best time to trim an oak tree is in winter when the fungus is less active.

This raises the question of when to trim oak trees in Texas or other areas with mild winters. We’ll discuss that here.

Trees and Texas Law

Winter is the ideal time for pruning oak trees, and that holds true whether you’re in Maine or Texas. Texas does come with some intricacies, though. It is illegal to trim an oak tree later than January in some parts of Texas.

Eight states in the US require a license before you can start a tree-trimming business. Texas is not among these states, but many areas of Texas do require a permit to trim trees in your own yard.

If you don’t have a license or don’t want to risk damaging the tree, you could always hire a professional. We at Green Pine Tree Service have many skilled experts on our staff who know how to deal with Texas trees, and we’re proud to represent the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Please remember that oak trees don’t need trimming every year. Every two or three years is enough.

Why Winter?

We’ve mentioned that the best time to trim a tree is in the winter, but we need to discuss why. The biggest reason is that the tree slows down during the winter. Trees transport nutrients using vascular tissues known as xylem and phloem.

The shorter days in the winter limit photosynthesis, so the xylem and phloem become less active. Oak Wilt spreads through predation by bark beetles. These beetles often carry the fungus that causes Oak Wilt. Once the fungus gets into a tree, it hijacks the tree’s xylem and phloem to spread to other trees.

Bark beetles hibernate during the winter, and oak trees don’t take in as many nutrients, so Oak Wilt doesn’t spread much in the winter.

Prevention and Cure

An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, as the old saying goes. This is as true for Oak Wilt as it is for any other condition. Oak Wilt has no known cure, so careful tree maintenance is necessary.

If you do spot Oak Wilt on your tree, call professional services. They’ll know what to do. We also recommend getting a tree health assessment every now and then. These assessments will help catch any potential issues early.

When to Trim Oak Trees in Texas

If you’re wondering when to trim oak trees in Texas, we’re here to help. The full answer is a bit complicated, but the basic answer is to trim trees in the winter every few years.

If you’re looking for professional tree services, we’d be happy to help you out. We encourage you to contact us at Greenpine Tree Service to set something up.

How Much Does Emergency Tree Removal Really Cost?

Did you know that there are over three trillion trees on our planet?

Despite there being so many trees, we also tend to cut a lot of them down. Every year, it is estimated that 15 billion trees are chopped down.

However, there are times when removing a tree becomes an emergency. If this happens on your property, you may be curious as to what the cost of tree removal in Dallas is.

What do you need to know about emergency tree removal costs? This guide breaks it down.

Tree Size

One of the biggest factors as to how much tree removal will cost is the size of the tree. Normally, trees are placed in three different size categories.

You have small trees that are under 30 feet. Then, you have medium trees that range from 30 to 70 feet. Then, you have large trees that are over 70 feet.

Obviously, if you have to remove a larger tree, a tree removal company is going to need more resources and is going to have to take more precautions. As a result, you can expect the price to increase if you have to remove a larger tree.

Tree Condition

Another thing that you need to consider is what kind of condition the tree is in. You may have an unhealthy tree that needs to be removed for the sake of your home and the other trees surrounding it.

While it can constitute an emergency, it still may end up being easier to remove this type of tree compared to a healthy tree. The reason for this is that unhealthy trees tend to have a weaker core.

As a result, they are not as likely to put up as much resistance compared to a normal tree. This makes it easier to chop it down, and it could take less energy to remove it.

If it ends up being an easier removal job, it is likely going to cost you less.

Surrounding Area

Finally, you have to consider what type of surrounding area the tree is in. Has it fallen over with plenty of space to remove it? If so, this is likely an easy tree removal job, and it should not add up to much money.

The same goes for if you have a rural home with a tree far away from any property. There are not many obstacles in the way here, thus saving time and effort.

Where this can add up is if you have to remove a larger tree in a more suburban neighborhood. Houses can become obstacles along with any wiring in the neighborhood. As a result, tree removal companies will have to use more resources, and more time will be spent on this.

Get Emergency Tree Removal

These are three of the biggest factors for the cost of emergency tree removal. You need to think about how large the tree you have to remove is, what type of condition the tree is in, as well as what kind of surrounding area the tree is in.

Do you need an emergency tree removal? Message GreenPine Tree Service today.

The Key Steps on How to Remove a Bee Hive From a Tree

As of 2022, there were 2.67 million honey bee colonies in the United States. If one of those colonies has made it to your yard, then you may be wondering how to get rid of them. While bees are great for the environment, they are not always positive for your landscaping or your family.

Getting rid of bees should be done safely and carefully as you don’t want to cause harm to yourself or your yard. This is how to remove a bee hive from a tree for good.

How to Remove a Bee Hive From a Tree

When attempting to remove a bee hive from your yard, the last thing you want to do is aggravate the bees. Don’t start hitting the hive with a stick or throwing objects at the hive- this is the worst way to go about removing them.

Instead, you first need to identify whether the hive is inside of the tree or outside of the tree and then take the proper (and safe) measures to remove it.

A Hive That Is Outside of the Tree

If the bee hive is located on the outside of the tree, then you have a few options. If you want to remove the hive yourself, you need to be mindful of the products you are using. The Environmental Protection Agency has limited the types of chemicals you can use on a bee’s hive due to the fact that they are pollinators.

Instead of using harsh chemicals, you can opt for a large garbage bag. Wrap the garbage bag around the hive, pull it from the tree, and then tie the bag securely. The best time to do this is at night when the bees are less active.

A Hive That Is Inside of the Tree

Oftentimes, bees will make their hives inside of the tree. When dealing with these types of nests, you will want to call in the professionals. The best way to get rid of bees inside of a tree is to open the tree or cut it down so you can remove the brood comb.

Our tree professionals provide a wide array of array of services to assist you. We can help to safely cut down or open up your tree. Then, a professional beekeeper can find the hive and remove the queen and brood comb.

Once the queen is found, the beekeeper can move both her and the brood comb to a new location, where the other bees should quickly follow. The hive can then be taken to a destination far away from your home.

Prevent Future Invasions and Keep These Tree Pests Away for Good

Once you have learned how to remove a bee hive from a tree, you will want to keep the insects away for good. The best way to keep bees away is to make sure you are caring for the trees in your yard. When you have well-maintained, healthy trees, pests will tend to stay away.

Give Green Pine Tree Service a call today for a professional consultation. We will create a detailed plan to ensure that your trees stay in great health all year round.