Can You Trim Trees in the Summer?

Did you know that curb appeal and landscaping will boost the value of your home by 10%-20%? If you have overgrown trees or broken tree branches, you may have noticed that there’s work to be done. So can you trim trees in the summer?

This guide will help answer that question and more. From when to cut tree limbs to summer pruning, this round-up has everything you need to know about summer tree trimming with professionals, so read on.

The Pros and Cons of Summer Pruning

While it’s more common to cut tree branches in the dormant phase of tree growth, there are many reasons why people do it in the summer. With any landscaping project, there are always benefits and drawbacks to certain projects during different seasons.

If you have an established tree, summer pruning will help keep it healthy by encouraging new growth. This new growth helps strengthen the tree and makes it less likely to break in storms or high winds later on. If you have trees over power lines or trees that have been damaged in storms, it’s always best to get those taken care of right away even if it’s summer.

Calling a professional will help you decide whether trimming a tree now or waiting is best. The experts will also know how much to cut. You never want to over-prune a tree in the summer.

Summer Tree Trimming Reduces Injury Risks

If you have trees that are broken, unhealthy, or diseased, it is sometimes best to trim them in the summer. There are many examples of trees that can’t wait until fall or winter to be trimmed.

If you have low-hanging branches over your power lines or yard, it’s important to get those looked at by professionals. You don’t want to wait too long and have a branch fall on a child or family member.

Falling trees, broken limbs, and cracked branches are dangerous. Let the professionals take care of these to reduce the risk of injury to yourself or your loved ones.

Summer Storms Cause Fallen Tree Branches

Storms are more prevalent in the spring and summer months. Because of this, there are more chances of broken tree limbs and branches in the summer. If you have an overgrown tree or low-hanging branches, give the professionals a call.

If a bad storm comes through, these limbs become dangerous. In addition to harming your family and guests, trees can also damage your home. With trees that need trimming, summer storms force them onto your roof, decks, or yards.

Can You Trim Trees in the Summer? Call Now for Professional Tree Trimming Services

Can you trim trees in the summer? The answer is yes. Summer pruning helps keep your tree healthy and prevents injury risks, such as broken branches during storms.

If you have been considering trimming your trees now is the time. Fill out the contact form here to get in touch with a tree-trimming professional.

How to Prune Maple Tree Branches: A Quick Guide

Did you know that the sap in maple trees is degrading in quality?

Maple trees are beautiful additions to any landscape. However, they need proper care and maintenance.

One essential aspect of maple tree care involves pruning. Doing this helps to keep the tree healthy. It’ll also keep your yard looking its best.

Are you wondering how to do it? Keep reading to learn about the basics of how to prune maple tree branches.

Understanding the Importance of Pruning Maple Trees

Pruning is necessary for maple tree care because it promotes healthy growth. It involves cutting away certain branches to improve the tree’s structure.

Proper pruning can lead to more effective air circulation and sunlight exposure.

Identifying the Perfect Time to Trim Maple Trees

Maple trees should generally be pruned during the down season. Aim for late winter or earlier in spring.

Pruning during this time minimizes stress and reduces the chances of disease or pest infestations. Avoid pruning in the fall because it can lead to excessive sap bleeding.

Recognizing the Signs of Weak Branches

Before you start pruning, it’s crucial to identify weak branches. Weak branches are those that are diseased, damaged, or dead.

These branches are a potential hazard as they can break and fall. Removing these branches is essential for maintaining a safe and healthy tree.

Proper Tools Needed for Pruning

Some essential tools for pruning include hand pruners for smaller branches and lopping shears for thicker branches. A pruning saw helps with larger branches.

Double-check that your tools are sharp and clean. That way, you can make clean cuts and avoid spreading diseases between trees.

Effective Pruning Techniques

When pruning maple trees, use the three-cut technique for larger branches.

Start by making an undercut a few inches from the branch collar. Afterward, make a top cut a few inches further from the undercut.

Doing this prevents the branch from tearing and damaging the tree. Make a final cut just outside the branch collar to remove the remaining stub.

It’s best to follow the general rule of removing at most 25% of the tree’s canopy in a year.

Hiring a Professional Dallas Tree Service

Are you on the fence about professional tree removal in Dallas? Larger or higher branches require the expertise of a tree-trimming service.

If you’re uncertain about the pruning process or have safety concerns, it’s worth getting tree trimming in Dallas.

A tree trimming service has the tools and knowledge to get the job done in no time.

Now You Know How to Prune Maple Tree Branches

Has a neighbor asked how to prune maple tree branches? With this guide, you can walk them through the tree-pruning process. That way, you’ll both have beautiful yards.

For the most reliable landscaping solutions, look no further than GreenPine Tree Service. We offer pruning, tree removal, and other essential services.

We cater to your landscape needs, so contact our tree service in Dallas today.

Can I Cut Down a Tree on My Property in Texas?

Texas is a state that tends to have more than enough trees in it compared to other parts of the country.

Just how many trees are there? The Lone Star state is estimated to have over 15.6 billion trees.

You may have one on your property that is taking up a lot of space. Then, you may ask yourself, “Can I cut down a tree on my property?”

Well, this guide is here to answer that question.

Know Your Property Line

One of the most important things when it comes to tree removal in Texas is being aware of your property line. In Texas, trees are defined for the most part as being the property owner’s responsibility if it is firmly on their property.

Some trees are protected by the Lone Star state but as long as your tree is not on that list, you can legally remove your tree if you go through the legal process.

Another thing to note here is that in Texas, you can conduct tree trimming if someone else’s tree infringes on your side of the property line.

Tree Size

The next thing you need to consider is how large your tree is. Depending on its size, there may be more paperwork involved for you to legally cut down on a tree on your own property.

Something you will need to check is how large your tree’s diameter is. If a small tree has a diameter larger than eight inches, Dallas requires you to apply for a permit to remove that tree.

The exception to this comes with the Tree Impact Activity clause. This states that a property owner has the right to cut down a tree on their property without a permit if the tree presents an immediate danger to them or those around them.

Protected Trees

Finally, you have to remember that Texas protects certain tree species. There are a variety of reasons for this including the species being endangered, the species providing a certain amount of natural benefits, and more.

As a result, you may need to find out what type of tree is on your property before cutting it down. If you cut down a protected tree that was not causing immediate danger to your neighborhood, you could face legal consequences.

Can I Cut Down a Tree on My Property?

You may be asking yourself, “Can I cut down a tree on my property?”

Well, the answer depends on a few factors. Is it a protected tree? Is it larger than the diameters discussed above?

If you answered yes to those questions, then you need to apply for a permit.

Then, ask yourself these questions. Is the tree causing immediate danger? Is it infringing your property line? Is it smaller than the diameter above?

If you answered yes to those questions, then you can cut down the tree. For help with this, message us here.

7 Common Mistakes with Hiring Tree Services and How to Avoid Them

Maintaining the health, safety, and aesthetic appeal of trees is hard work. Whether pruning or removing a tree, most of us don’t have the right equipment for the job. And, due to the hazards involved, these tasks are best left to professionals.

Choosing the right tree service is an important decision. You want to get the best aesthetic results possible while keeping your property safe. Often, finding the right people to prune or remove a tree requires knowing what not to do.

In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, homeowners often need tree services. It’s not surprising to see so many companies offering tree trimming or pruning, but beware; not all are reputable!

It’s crucial to be aware of common mistakes with hiring tree services. This article will highlight seven of them and valuable tips on how to avoid them. Keep reading to learn how to choose the best tree services!

1. Lack of Tree Removal Experience

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make when hiring tree services is not considering the company’s experience. Removing a tree is a complex task that requires expertise and precision.

It’s essential to choose a Dallas tree service with a proven track record in safe and efficient tree removal. Look for companies that have been in the industry for several years. They can provide references or testimonials from satisfied customers.

2. Failing to Explore Options for Tree Services

Another mistake is limiting your options and not exploring the different tree services available in your area. Don’t settle for the first company you come across.

Take the time to research and compare multiple tree service providers. Look for companies that offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Tree pruning
  • Tree removal
  • Stump grinding
  • Emergency tree services

By exploring your options, you can find a company that best suits your specific needs.

3. Neglecting to Read Online Reviews

In today’s digital age, online reviews play a significant role in decision-making. It’s crucial to read reviews and feedback from previous customers before hiring a tree service.

Websites such as Google, Yelp, and Angie’s List can provide valuable insights into the reputation and reliability of a tree service. Look for companies with consistently positive reviews and high ratings. Pay attention to any recurring complaints or red flags when reading online reviews.

4. Failing to Compare Tree Pruning Costs

Tree pruning is an essential maintenance task that helps promote tree health and enhance its aesthetic appeal. However, homeowners often make the mistake of not comparing tree pruning costs.

Different tree services may have varying pricing structures. It’s important to obtain multiple quotes to ensure you’re getting a fair price. However, be cautious of exceptionally low prices, as they may indicate subpar service or unqualified workers.

5. Overlooking Proper Licensing and Insurance

Hiring a licensed and insured tree service is crucial for your protection as a homeowner. Unfortunately, many homeowners make the mistake of overlooking this crucial aspect. Before hiring a tree service, ensure they possess the necessary licenses and permits.

Additionally, verify that they have adequate liability insurance to cover any potential damages or injuries that may occur during the tree service operations. Request to see their certificates of insurance and contact the insurance provider to confirm that they are indeed a licensed tree service.

6. Not Inquiring About Safety Measures

Many homeowners make the mistake of not inquiring about safety measures followed by the tree service. However, tree work involves inherent risks, and a reputable tree service will always prioritize safety. Doing so is non-negotiable because the proper protocols ensure the well-being of their employees, clients, and the general public.

If you want to know whether a company follows safety protocols, ask them upfront. Here are some of the facets they should mention.

  • Proper Training: Tree service employees should receive comprehensive training in tree care techniques, equipment operation, and safety procedures
  • Personal Protective Equipment: Workers should be equipped with hard hats, safety glasses, ear protection, gloves, sturdy footwear, harnesses, and climbing gear
  • Equipment Maintenance and Inspection: Regular maintenance and inspection of equipment are crucial to ensure they are in proper working condition
  • Hazard Assessment: Prior to starting any tree work, a thorough assessment of the site should be conducted to identify potential hazards like overhead power lines, unstable branches, weak tree structures, or hazardous weather conditions
  • Traffic Control: If tree work is being conducted near roads or busy areas, appropriate traffic control measures should be implemented
  • Emergency Preparedness: Tree service companies should have protocols for dealing with injuries, accidents, or unforeseen circumstances

By following these safety protocols, tree service companies can minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, and property damage. This gives peace of mind to their clients.

7. Disregarding Written Contracts and Estimates

Finally, one common mistake homeowners make is not obtaining written contracts and estimates from the tree service. A written contract ensures clarity and protects both parties involved. It should include details such as:

  • The scope of work
  • Project timeline
  • Payment terms
  • Any warranties or guarantees provided by the tree service

Review the contract carefully before signing and clarify any doubts or concerns you may have.

Don’t Make These Mistakes with Hiring Tree Services

When it comes to hiring tree services, avoiding common mistakes is crucial for homeowners. By recognizing these mistakes and taking proactive steps to avoid them, you can make an informed decision! Doing so ensures the well-being of your trees and property.

If you live in the Dallas Fort Worth area, there’s no reason to make these mistakes with hiring tree services. Green Pine Tree Service is trusted among locals, with nearly 5 stars on Google! Check out all the services we offer on our website or contact us today to learn more.

Tree Health: What Is a Dead Branch, and How to Spot One?

Research shows that homes with trees have as much as 3.5% to 15% more value. This is because many buyers prefer homes with trees for privacy and aesthetic appeal.

If you have a tree on your property, you may be worried about tree health. This is very important, especially when we are discussing something like a dead branch.

Tree maintenance is a critical part of keeping your trees healthy. This will minimize your costs in the future by preserving the tree as a whole.

Keep reading to find out how to spot a dead branch and why it is important.

Caring For Trees: Dead Branches 101

A lot of tree varieties require pruning, which involves cutting branches back. Doing this allows the tree to preserve its energy and continue growing.

Dead branches occur for a variety of reasons depending on the situation. Something may have happened to that branch, cutting off the support it needed.

Or it may not have been pruned and lacked the nutrients it needed. The problem with dead branches is that healthy trees still try to maintain them.

The tree will continue to lose vital nutrients by sending it to the dead branches. New growth can come from dead branches, but it is not worthwhile.

It is much more efficient to hire a company like Dallas Tree Service to help with this problem.

Signs a Tree Branch Is Dead

Tree health is something you have to consider as a homeowner with trees on your property. They can become very expensive if they aren’t maintained.

When a branch has died, there are certain things you can look for. Here are some examples of how you can examine your tree for any issues.

Fungal Growth

Depending on the situation, a tree branch may have things growing on it. This isn’t always a bad sign, but you should examine the growth.

Something like turkey tail fungus is an obvious problem. This is a type of fungus that grows on dead trees and stumps, indicating that the branch is dead.

Mushroom growth could also reveal that the branch has been dead for some time. You can peel back some of the bark to see if there is any sign of decay.


Your tree is home to a variety of small creatures that live and eat there. But there are certain insects that you want to keep an eye out for when it comes to a dead branch.

If a branch is dead, you may find a large number of insect feces around the tree. This may be around the trunk or underneath the dead branch.

You should keep an eye out for things like giant bark aphids and leaf-cutting bees. You may want to look into local pests to know exactly what to look for.

A large number of pests indicates that the tree branch is dead and decaying. This attracts insect life as they feed on this decay.

Less Activity

There are a few very simple ways to find a dead branch on your tree. One way to do this is to look for a branch that is not showing any activity.

A dead branch will not have new buds or new leaves. In fact, it may have twigs and dead leaves that are falling off of it.

These kinds of branches may also have a more grayish color than the rest of the tree.

Dry Bark

A healthy branch is going to be quite flexible and green. On the other hand, a dead branch is going to become brittle and easy to break off.

The bark will be very dry and brittle, not green and moist. This is a clear indicator that the branch has died and needs to be removed.

Why Remove Dead Branches?

When you have a tree on your property, you may be worried about dead branches. If you notice any dead branches, this is something you need to address as soon as possible.

Here are some examples of why this is important.


A dead branch takes away from the overall look of a healthy tree. Dead branches are bare and often have a different color and a dried-up appearance.

This can stick out, especially when your tree is in bloom.

Damage Risks

Dead branches no longer have support from the tree. This makes them a risk since they could fall on someone or on something on your property.

It is your responsibility as the homeowner to make sure the tree is not a risk.

Environmental Risks

As we discussed above, dead branches accumulate growth and pests. This is not only bad for the tree branch, but it is also bad for the entire tree.

If left alone for too long, this could result in the entire tree dying. You also risk that tree spreading disease to any other trees that are nearby.

Insects will also be attracted to the rest of your property if they are attracted to that tree. This could cause an infestation where many landscaping features are damaged.

Dead Branch: Understanding Tree Health Basics

As a homeowner, you may have a tree on your property you need to take care of. One part of tree maintenance is locating a dead branch on the tree.

A dead branch has died and no longer provides any use to the tree. That is why it is important that it is removed before it causes further damage.

Are you interested in tree trimming services in Dallas, Fort Worth? Contact us today at Green Pine Tree Service to book an appointment.

Tree Service in Fort Worth: What Are My Options?

Texas has nearly 300 different species of trees, according to the Texas State Historical Society. Do you know how to cut or remove these trees from your property? Hiring a professional tree service in Fort Worth is the answer.

Tree services can involve tree removal or tree cutting. You might also need a tree service to have expert tree pruning.

Here’s more on why a tree service in Fort Worth is best for your property.

Tree Removal

An aging tree on your property might need a tree removal service before it falls over, causing damage to your home or adjacent property. Even though your damaged tree might appear secure, a good gust of wind could take it down instantly.

A Fort Worth tree removal company with the right equipment will come to your home. You also get experts who know the best strategies to remove the tree without hurting your lawn.

Furthermore, a tree services expert will know the types of diseases that could be cause for removal. Someone with the right background needs to give you the best advice and knowledge to assess your situation regarding tree removal.

Tree Cutting

Perhaps a tree on your property needs tree-cutting rather than removal. Cutting a tree promotes your tree’s healthy growth so it can flourish.

Mature trees need this type of service to maintain and beautify your property. Portions of trees become damaged over time, and cutting them extends their life.

Doing this type of job can cause injury to yourself or your loved ones. Don’t risk it!

Are the trees on your property part of your family’s legacy? Keep them looking their best with proper tree cutting.

Tree Pruning

Rather than cutting or removing a tree, pruning removes dead spots and even injured or diseased tree portions.

Pruning also improves the appearance of your trees and gives your property a better look! Be the envy of your friends and neighbors with the best-looking trees on the block.

Pruning a tree can have disastrous effects. You could kill the tree on your property, ending in removal.


Calling a Fort Worth tree removal company is necessary when there’s an emergency. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and other types of storm damage cause instant problems.

You need a reliable company to take care of the problem quickly.

Perhaps a tree fell on your home, garage, fence, or into your swimming pool. Worse – your fallen tree might be on your neighbor’s property.

Getting Fort Worth tree removal to your home in a jiffy is the best way to handle a disaster.

Options for Tree Service in Fort Worth

Options for tree service in Fort Worth include tree removal and cutting. In addition, professionals can handle a tree emergency on your property.

Don’t hesitate to call the experts. A professional tree service comes with the right insurance, equipment, and know-how to do the job right. It will give you peace of mind and leave your property in the best condition.

Tree Service in Plano: 3 Tips for Choosing Your Best Option

21% of Plano, Texas is covered in trees. That number has been growing since the city adopted an Urban Forest Management Plan in 2018.

Keeping these trees in check requires services such as pruning, trimming, cutting, and felling. It’s a necessity in every part of the city but becomes more personal when it reaches your backyard.

Read on for three ways to choose the best tree service in Plano.

1. Check Their Credibility

Check the service’s website for the proper credentials and licensure. They should be accredited by the Better Business Bureau. You can also check if they’re members of trade associations such as the Tree Care Industry Association or the International Society of Arboriculture.

Look at how long the tree service has been in business. Positive reviews and references confirm that they’ve developed a positive reputation over that time.

Going on word of mouth alone isn’t as effective as meeting with them in person. Schedule an appointment to meet in person.

They shouldn’t hesitate to answer any questions you have, especially when you request to see their certificates of insurance. At a minimum, they should have liability and worker’s compensation. It’s a necessary precaution because tree workers have 15 times the fatality rate and three times the nonfatal rate of all other industries.

2. Look Into Their Services and Staff

Check the tree service’s website for a full list of their staff. It should include at least one or more certified arborists with the proper credentials. Ask about what tools they have and whether they’re OSHA certified.

They can help you understand the full range of services they offer and which ones would be best for you. For instance, tree trimming and pruning sound the same but are used in different situations.

3. Get Quotes

If you want to get an idea of the average cost of tree service in Plano, get quotes from two or three companies and compare them. Step away from outrageously high figures. Low ones are a warning sign of inexperience and unprofessionalism.

Consider what’s included in each company’s quote. Felling is the quickest form of tree removal but can damage your yard. Cutting it into smaller sections takes more time and costs more but causes less damage. This may make it a better value for your money.

Never commit to paying for the service until you’re satisfied with the work. Avoid paying upfront unless you want them to complete a tree cutting but never return to get the stump removed.

Where to Get Tree Service in Plano

Plano is a city full of trees that need managing, and finding the right professionals to do it can prevent emergencies down the line.

Do research to find out if they’re certified and have a positive reputation. Look at their staff’s credentials and see if they can perform the services you need. Get quotes from a variety of sources and don’t pay until you know you’ve found reliable professionals.

Greenpine Tree Service has a staff of trained arborists that maintain and shape trees throughout the DFW area. Contact us for tree service in Plano today.

3 Tips for Choosing a Tree Service in Dallas

When your tree is diseased, dead, or in need of a little TLC, a tree service in Dallas can help.

Of course, most property owners in the DFW area don’t exactly keep arborists on their speed dial. If you’ve never had to reach out to a tree care professional before, how do you know what to look for?

Whether you need stump grinding, tree trimming, or tree removal in Dallas, here are three tips for choosing a company you can trust.

1. Create a Shortlist

Start by creating a shortlist of good candidates. One of the easiest ways to find great Dallas tree service companies is to ask around. If any of your friends, colleagues, or neighbors have had a positive experience with a tree cutting service in your area, you’ll want to consider the company.

If no one in your network can offer a referral, do a quick search for reputable companies online. However, you’ll want to read reviews and check each company’s score with the Better Business Bureau. This can help you get a better sense of the brand’s reputation.

2. Do Your Homework

Tree trimming in Dallas can be difficult and dangerous, so it’s important to make sure you’re choosing a reliable company that’s up for the job. There are a few things you’ll want to check for any tree service you’re considering.

First, look up their years of experience. More experience suggests that a company provides great tree care and customer service, and it also means they’ve had time to iron out their business operations.

Next, look for companies that are licensed and insured. This can be crucial, as unlicensed companies may cause more trouble than they solve. A lack of insurance can help put you, the company, or any workers on your property at risk if things go wrong.

You may also want to ask the company about any additional education or certifications their team receives. Going through the International Society of Arboriculture’s TRAQ program, for example, can show that an arborist has gone above and beyond for training.

3. Get Multiple Quotes

You should get a quote from every company you’re considering. Multiple estimates can help you get a sense of what a fair price would be.

While everyone likes to save money, be wary of bargain prices that seem too good to be true. Low price tags may suggest that a company doesn’t have the experience or certifications for the job.

Getting multiple quotes also gives you a chance to meet with a representative of each company. This allows you to get a sense of their professionalism and to ask questions about their pricing, tools, and techniques.

Keep in mind that reputable companies won’t ask you to pay for anything up front. You should only pay for a project once it’s finished, ensuring that you’re happy with the job before you spend a dime.

Find the Right Tree Service in Dallas

Finding the right tree service in Dallas doesn’t have to be complicated. With a bit of online research, you can narrow down your options to find a reputable company you can trust!

As you hunt for trained arborists to tackle your next project, Green Pine Tree Service is here to help. We’re proud to offer professional removal and trimming services to property owners throughout the DFW area. Contact us to learn more.

What Are the Different Tree Shapes for Your Yard?

According to the EPA, shade from trees can reduce surface and air temperatures by 20 to 45°F, helping reduce your reliance on air conditioning at home and work. As such, they play a huge role in reducing carbon emissions and combating global warming.

Trees also improve air and water quality in their immediate environment and greatly enhance the aesthetics of your property. Thanks to the diversity of trees, you can choose from eight different tree shapes to suit your landscaping and improve your green spaces.

Keep reading for some tips on how to select trees by shape.

Pyramidal Trees

As the name suggests, these trees have a broad base and narrow top, like a classic Christmas tree. The bald cypress, native to Texas, is a great example of a pyramidal tree that can grow up to 80 ft. tall.

Plant them where they have plenty of room to spread out for a gorgeous display of eye-catching fall colors and summer greenery.

Other examples of pyramid-shaped trees include blue spruce, linden, and American holly.

Open-Head Irregular Trees

These trees create wonderful shade thanks to their irregular, random branching habit. The best-known ones are silver maple, hickory, and buckeye.

Horizontal Spreading Trees

These massive, spreading trees have branches that protrude horizontally up the tree trunk. If you’re growing new trees, remember that these specimens need plenty of room to spread out and are best suited to very large gardens.

Eastern red cedars, red and white oaks, and witch hazel are horizontally spreading trees.

Fastigiate Tree Shapes

Fastigiate tree branches are almost parallel to the main stem.

They have multiple trunks, making them perfect for creating a privacy screen or sound buffer in your yard, especially if you choose an evergreen species like columnar eastern white pine.

Columnar Trees

Columnar trees have a similar shape to fastigiate trees. Their branches are uniform in shape and spacing, giving them a neat appearance.

As such, this is a good tree shape for landscaping in formal gardens. Red maples, quaking aspen, sugar maples, and Lombardy poplars are columnar trees.

Weeping Trees

The graceful dome shape of these trees helps to soften the look of any yard. They’re excellent ornamental specimens, with branches that can swoop to the ground.

Brich, hemlock, black willow, and katsura are all weeping trees.

Globe-Shaped Trees

These round-topped trees make a great focal point in your yard thanks to their evenly shaped rounded top. Black maple, redbud, flowering dogwood, and hackberry are all types of globe-shaped trees.

Vase-Shaped Trees

Boxelder and striped ample are examples of vase-shaped trees. Their branches grow sharply upward, making these trees ideal for sidewalks, as they don’t obstruct the view for drivers and allow pedestrians to pass unhindered.

Enjoy the Benefits of Trees

Regardless of the tree shapes you choose for your yard, they must receive regular maintenance and care to stay at their best. We can assist with arborist assessments, tree removal, tree felling, pruning, bracing, and stump grinding.

Get in touch for assistance with keeping your trees in great shape all year.

Common Tree Pests in Texas and How to Spot Them

Tree pests can take down entire forests.

According to a study by Purdue, the amount of carbon storage lost due to tree pests is equivalent to the carbon emissions of 5 million vehicles. If you’ve got tree pests in your yard, getting rid of them requires a keen eye and professional help.

Today, we’re going to tell you about the most common tree pests in Texas and how to spot them. The key to saving your trees is early detection, so keep reading and you’ll know everything you need to stop insects that attack trees in their tracks.


Aphids are among the most troubling of the common tree pests. Not only do they eat your tree leaves, but they leave behind a sticky substance called honeydew that attracts other pests. Even if the honeydew fails to attract more pests, it eventually turns to mold, further damaging your trees.

Detecting aphids isn’t always easy because they’re truly tiny. Look for curling, yellow leaves that look sick. The aphids themselves are like tiny neon-green specs and hide on the underside of leaves.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are like spiders in that they suck the life substance out of their prey. Spiders take the blood out of other insects, while spider mites remove the nutrients from tree leaves. They also take a serious toll on evergreen trees, causing the needles to fall out.

You can’t see spider mites with the naked eye, so you have to look for signs of their presence. This includes dried-out, yellowish leaves or the aforementioned needle loss in evergreens. They often leave behind toxins that enhance the yellowing and cause the leaves to warp.

Tree Scales

A tree scale is also tricky to detect because it lay flat and can be mistaken for knots in the bark. They’re tree parasites that act like spider mites, feeding off of the sap in the tree bark and remaining stationary until they’ve gotten their fill.

Scales are either armored or soft. Soft scales leave behind a sticky substance, much like aphids, that attracts other pests. There are various species of scale in Texas, all of which have the same aim to bleed your trees of their nutrients, so you need to deal with this issue as soon as you notice their presence.

Tent Caterpillars

Tent caterpillars get their name from the tent-like webs that they produce to cling to your plants and shelter in. The only way to get rid of them once they perch on your tree is to prune the affected area. If you’ve got a particularly bad infection, this might mean pruning several tree branches.

Protect Your Trees From These Common Tree Pests

The dry, hot climate in Texas makes it easy for your yard to succumb to these common tree pests. If you notice any of them on your trees, it’s time to act. To ensure your trees get the best possible care, you need to get professional help.

At Green Pine Professional Tree Service, we can assess the general health of your trees and come up with a plan to rid them of whatever pests have made their way in.

Contact us today to book one of our highly trained arborists to take care of your trees and come up with a preventative maintenance plan.